There will be a lot of new things here on stardollbusiness!
New segments & competitions.
1. New Banner - YAY! Finally this blog has a new banner. I'm really excited about this one because I used a different technique of shading the doll. :L I'm sorry that the banner is a bit smaller than the last one but It would've took me ages to finish everything so this couldn't be the August banner.
2. Celebrity Look-a-like : A new segment in which I will be showing you how to look like a celebrity. Each week I will be putting a celebrity outfit into stardoll. For Superstar and non Superstars.
3.HotBuys polls : This segment will come when this blog reaches 100 followers. In case you don't know what it's about - When some random Hot Buys Piece is released (e.g. Hot Buys Dress) I will ask from you to make an outfit out of that Hot Buys piece and then you'll post your entries and will be included in a poll. The winner will always get a prize of 25 stardollars from me or other writers.
4.Best Outfits of the week : In this segment, one of the writers will choose 5-10 best outfits of the week and you will vote for one(again on a poll). The winner of this poll will get 2 ss gifts.
5.Recognized talent : This segment will also appear once a week when one of the Stardoll members will be featured for it's talent. Suite designing, make-up,album,scenery or even something else!
6. Writer banners : There will be new and improved writer banners soon. I like these but I perfected my graphic skills. :)
The days set for every segment :
-Celebrity Look-a-like : Friday
-HotBuys polls : Not set
-Best Outfits of the week : Wednesday
-Recognized talent : Saturday
More followers - more competitions.
So come on, and follow this blog.
Thanks for reading
I love these changes and news! The blog will be more active and i will be prouder for writing in it! OMG! It's a great blog! And all these are because of our amazing followers.
P.S.I love the new graphic
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