
Sunday, 24 July 2011

Writer Wanted


That's right! I'm looking for 2 or 3 new writers for this blog.

If you want to become a writer on this blog read this :

-Fluent/Understandable English
-Writer must be on time with the informations.
-Has to know how to print screen (if not, check out tutorial on youtube)

 Here is how you can apply to be a writer :
-You will choose a category : Reporting about new shops on stardoll OR Fashion tips (no more places left) OR Report about new dolls on stardoll.
-Then I will put you up as a writer on my blog. You will write a post and me & the other writer "Dulllll" will see if you're qualified enough for this "job".
-If you are qualified enough, you will be come a writer on StardollBusiness.

It's simple! 
So, What are you waiting for? To apply write  in the comments which category, and more questions about this, if you have any. :)

Thanks for reading




natasha-rox286 said...

My names natasha-rox286
and my email is

and ill like to do the category on
fashion and new shops.

B.E.P.Fan_4ever said...

I've send you my applicationform already. My name is B.E.P.Fan_4ever

please check it out :D

peggy_sue said...

@B.E.P.Fan_4ever - where did you send it? On which e-mail?

Anna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna said...

English:i know
SD name:anula4kate12
Print screen:yes ofcourse i know
Category:Fashion Tips

Justyna (Diament44) said...

I know english languae :)
My name is Justyna :)
On stardoll im diament44
I can make print screens .
I want to write in fashion tips category :)
I'm 15 years old and im on stardoll long time so i have experience :)

Justyna (Diament44) said...


emmalansing said...

I'm english
my name is Jaclyn
On stardoll pupcake21334
I'm experienced and I believe I'm right for the job 1'm 16 and I'm active I will try my all to be the best I can be,I'm a fashion Addict and want to write for,The new shops I'm up early in the sunshine to see if new stores are in the spotlight!
New LE? I will be one of the first to know! and because I'm royalty on stardoll,I get some of the latest fashion news EARLY.I will be as Professional as I can and get the latest stores as fast as I can I think I am fit!

emmalansing said...

Oh yes, my emal :
and print screen Absolutely I know exactly what it is and how to work the button!

B.E.P.Fan_4ever said...

I'm sorry. I was wrong I haven't send it. So here is mine:

My name is Maria and my stardoll username is B.E.P.Fan_4ever

I have expirience. I am really good at fashion, make-up and reporting. So I could do the report about the new stardolls.

Please consider me :D

P.S. You already know my e-mail, don't you?